What Is Snagging? : Perfect Explanation in under 10 mins

So you’ve just brought your new build home CONGRATULATIONS

After months & months of anticipation late night drive bys

Pinterest interior design saved pages along with Facebook, Instagram feeds don’t forget TIK TOK

Your sales agent finally calls you up to confirm that your home8 has passed its CML (certificate of Mortgage Lenders) and we need to schedule your Home demo and confirm your moving in date!

By now you would have all the vital home moving artillery ready
Insurances ,Rent a van for moving ,Removal company ,conveyance plans
welcome pack,lists of energy providers,NETFLIX & WIFI setup ,SNAGGING COMPANY

Like most people you have done your research and you may of heard of 8.

So what is snagging lets dive in with 3 easy examples after or brief explanation

Snagging is the process of identifying and documenting defects or unfinished work in a new build property before the owner takes full possession.

These defects, know as “SNAGS” can range from minor cosmetic issues, such as paint imperfections or poorly fitted doors, to more significant structural , electrical or plumbing faults.

Is This a Snag

1. So for example you have moved in to your new build home and you notice your front door has large gaps around the top of the door when closed? This is defined as a snag?

gaps around door

2. You observe that one of the handles on your patio door is damaged, with no paint visible once more; this is classified as a snag.

damaged handle

3. You notice that one of the bedroom in your new home is colder than the other rooms,You turn the heating up but notice the radiator is not working effectively Yes you guessed it This is a snag!

heat scan

Common new build defects?

So what can you expect to see in terms of defects for your New build Homes and what is most common

1. Shrinkage also known as drying out
2. Paint defects
3. Plastering defects
4. Cosmetic damage (marks scratches)
5. Poorly laid turf
6. Sealants failing
7. Leaks and Heating issues
8. Electrical Issues
9. Drainage Issues
10.Doors not closing

Why so many defects who is checking the quality?

You ask how can there be so many defects when my home is brand new?

Well unlike BMW or Tesla homes are built in completely different environments, A new build home can be started in the winter and complete in the summer

Timber,Bricks and other materials are prone to moisture and need a drying out period along with the home settling & movements for the first 2 years a re normal process.

Next you have time constraints along with contractors being paid by a set price

Think of it this way most Tradesmen have 1 month of lost time per year due to poor weather conditions alone,These trades are self employed and dont get holiday pay. The more work completed the more money they earn,Emphasis is not always on quality but quantity

Like wise a contractor is more likely to be interested in earnings over quality

Finally you have the human element, after all these homes are not been built be AI robots in a multi million pound factory in the perfect conditions on a production line

That being said there should be no compromise on quality and standards

The snagging process explained

The process of snagging is very simple there are two options

You can opt for the DIY approach where you highlight the defects to the developer by making a snag list (we have a pdf example here free to download)

This is good on a budget and there is lots of information on what to look for on the internet , But be mindful developers are use to having answers to the questions raised.
Some issue you highlight may not be defined as a snag or may fall in to the within TOLERANCE category

Making you’re own list is a good start but if you really want full coverage you can book a qualified snagging inspector

An inspector would conduct a through inspection of your new home checking all elements while working within the limitations of the builders and warranty providers standards

A typical inspection can take any where between 2-4 hours

Qualifications to look for are ex trades men or site managers with experience in housing

All inspectors must be registered with ether the RPSA or RICS and have liability insurance in place before any inspections are undertaken

A specified set of areas will be checked in line with tolerances

Once an inspection is completed a digital document will be sent to the client (you) highlighting the defects (snags ) found

The client (you)then send the snag list to the developer who will action out the raised issues to the trades responsible

Legal Rights of Homeowners Regarding Snagging

Bought a new home? You’ve got legal rights—use them.

Builders must fix most snags in the first two years.

Big structural issues? Covered for up to 10 years under NHBC or similar warranties.

If your builder drags their feet, don’t waste time arguing—take it to the New Homes Ombudsman.

That’s why it exists—to hold builders accountable and protect you from poor workmanship.

Want results? Report snags in writing ASAP. Act now to get your snags completed

How Developers Handle Snagging Reports

Developers get snagging reports all the time.

Some fix issues fast to protect their reputation. Others? They delay, downplay, or ignore them.

Here’s the deal—during the first two years, they’re legally responsible for fixing most defects.

But they won’t rush unless you push. The best move? Document everything.

Send your report in writing. Follow up. If they stall, take it to the New Homes Ombudsman.

Developers care about bad press and legal trouble—use that to your advantage. Stay sharp, stay firm, get it done.

The 5 star HBF survey review

How do developers get there 5 star ratings

Plain and simple really

For each home owner who recommends the developer to a friend on the HBF survey a star rating is given

The more yes surveys received the developer will maintain a 5 star rating

Here is an example of how a survey looks

So keep this in mind when your have outstanding defects , You can use your snagging report as leverage

Developers WANT YOUR Positive SURVEY


How much are snagging surveys

Snagging inspections aren’t an expense—they’re an investment.

Here’s the deal:
Apartments: Starts at £300 (1-bed) and goes up to £350 (3-bed).

Houses: Starts at £380 (1-bed) and goes up to £505 (6-bed).

Each company charge a different rate

Question time and quiz time?

What’s the difference between minor and major defects?

Minor defects are small issues like paint chips, loose door handles, or scratched windows

Major defects are serious problems like structural cracks, faulty wiring, or leaking roofs

Why it matters: Minor snags are cosmetic, but major ones can impact safety and value.

What tools do snagging inspectors use?

Thermal cameras to find heat loss and insulation gaps.

Damp meters to detect hidden moisture issues.

Laser levels to check floor and wall alignment.

Why it matters: These tools help spot defects you wouldn’t see with the naked eye.

How does snagging differ between apartments and houses?

Apartments: Shared walls, ceilings, and services—issues may affect multiple units.

Houses: Independent structure

snags focus more on roofing, drainage, and exterior defects.

Why it matters: Different property types require different inspection approaches.

What’s the best way to report snags to a developer?

Document everything—take clear photos and list each defect.

Submit in writing—email or letter for a paper trail.

Follow up—if they delay, escalate to the New Homes Ombudsman.

Why it matters: Proper reporting ensures snags get fixed faster.


What are some tips for a hassle-free snagging experience?

Book early to catch defects before moving in.

Be present during the inspection to ask questions.

Follow up with the builder to get issues resolved.

Why it matters: A smooth snagging process saves time and avoids stress.

Final Thoughts

So helpfully now snagging will not seem so much like a mine field

This article will help you in your quest for a defect free home

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